♫ Just another manic Thursday ♫

On Monday, I began attending the Partial Program at Arbour Counseling. I enjoy talking about my state of mind and past history, but I do not enjoy other aspects of group therapy. I feel it is not time efficient for me, and it often induces boredom. I am attending the program because it is one of my parents’ wishes that I need to comply to in order to continue living in their home.

So how do I feel? Mixed emotions. I am not enjoying my time currently as much as I enjoyed my time in distant lands.

I have reflected on my past, and I have come to certain conclusions. I have a history of erratic, impulsive behavior. I keep juggling my soccer ball in various locations for the thrill of it, and I have a history of traveling to foreign lands (Havana , Mexico City, Montreal, and Washington D.C.) for similar reasons. I also blab about my blog a lot (https://jeffreytfarrell.blogspot.com). Since I have been able to travel alone off of the money I made independently, I can conclude that I was high-functioning before the hospital stay (except for the day of the incident). I was able to stay in Mexico City and function independently for 3 months (the longest I have stayed in one foreign country), and this was without being on any medication. I was also sociable and made friends, and I have kept in touch with them via Facebook and Instagram.

A counselor at Arbour Counseling indicated I may very well be manic. Do I object? Not really haha. I do not know how severe something has to be to qualify as meeting the criteria for a particular condition.

In addition to (mild?) mania, I think I am currently experiencing dissociative identity disorder. During the hearing at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, I brought up the possibility that I might have multiple personality disorder (the old term for dissociative identity disorder), since my current symptoms (which are subject to change) currently seem more in line with mania and dissociative identity disorder rather than schizophrenia. I’m no psychiatrist, but I am skeptical of the diagnosis placed on me during the hearing. I will bring this up to my counselors tomorrow.

I was told by a fellow patient during my hospital stay that the records related to my hearing would be at Newton District Court, so I contacted them for copies of the records. I used this site to request them: https://newtonma.nextrequest.com/. If you want to know what happened during my hearing, I suggest you make a request yourself. Details related to my hearing and hospitalization are here: https://jeffreytfarrell.blogspot.com/2018/11/hospital-souvenirs.html

Recently, I created a book from my blog (it’s autobiographical). I figured it would be useful for constructing a proper diagnosis for my current state of mind, so I printed out a copy and gave it to one of the counselors at the Partial Program. I would like all the counselors to see it, as it provides insight to my mind and a more complete picture of who I am and what I’ve been up to lately. There is a Kindle version of my book and you are welcome to read it if you’d like. https://www.amazon.com/Jeffrey-Thomas-Farrell-Man-Mystery-ebook/dp/B07KRN1K56/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1542908520&sr=1-1&keywords=Jeffrey+Thomas+Farrell


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