My Character Profile (Subject to Change)

  • Enjoys making light of dire situations as a coping mechanism 
  • Does not think through many actions; other actions, he thinks things through quite thoroughly 
  • Erratic 
  • Has a need to fixate on a task and see it through to completion before moving on to another task, unless another task pops into his head this is of greater importance 
  • Does not like authority, especially corrupt or incompetent figureheads 
  • Stalls when conflicted with a troublesome situation with no clear resolution 
  • Emulates many of his father’s mannerisms, including hand and arm gestures 
  • Lies when trying to protect himself, but is otherwise more honest and open than average 
  • Prefers friends to family members currently; this was different in the past 
  • Easily makes friends and acquaintances utilizing his desire for socialization 
  • Acquired his social skills from his father 
  • Above average intelligence, but lately, intelligence fluctuates greatly 
  • Declining memory 
  • Memory for names is terrible, but memory for events and details persists 
  • Likes dark and snarky humor 
  • Currently fluent in English and highly conversational in Spanish. Likes showing off his newly-acquired Spanish skills 
  • Resents captivity especially when initiated by force, and even more especially when initiated by an authority rather than a peer 
  • Likes and forms affection with peers in contrast to his feelings toward authority 
  • Dislikes generalizations when applied to himself but makes them regardless to readily make sense of the world 
  • His appearance fluctuates greatly. He prefers consistancy in appearance, except when it applies to haircuts 
  • Hates being chubby 
  • Wishes the world would be honest and forthright, since the truth should speak for itself and allow for a commonly-agreed upon outcome. People lie out of convenience, tradition, etc. He feels it is sometimes justified but usually isn’t 
  • 26 years old. His age explains much of his behavior. For instance, since he is single and without children, he can more readily travel. He is also at a more sensible age to “play the field” and still merely consider settling down. Many people presume he is older and are baffled by his behavior. 
  • Does not like being called “sir”. He believes it should be reserved for older persons. 
  • Is nonviolent, even in situations when it is practical to do so. 
  • Likes walking. Used to jog. Also likes soccer and chess. 
  • Is losing consistency in personality and other behaviorial patterns; they seem to adjust depending on the environmental circumstance 
  • Is very analytic 
  • Does not like tradition or rigid thinking; believes society should be flexible and readily adapt to change. More greatly venerates societies with more “rebelious” people, such as the Cubans 
  • Can readily overlook flaws in others if they have redeeming qualities 
  • Adapts well to change; outlook on life quickly flexes to accommodate his newly-acquired situation 
  • Thinks temporary chaos is justified for long-term improvement of the world; chaos is sometimes necessary to correct an injustice 
  • Thinks certain cherished and grave institutions should be opted for casualization 
  • Atheist 
  • Thinks the poor should be provided for somehow, and certain public programs are necessary for providing a baseline standard of living and improving the lives others by indirectly correcting some of society’s ills 
  • Feels his behavioral patterns and intentions are often different from others which leads to great confusion and misunderstanding. You can’t think “what would I do in Jeffrey’s shoes?” You must think “what would Jeffrey do in Jeffrey’s shoes?” 
  • Prefers being called Jeff rather than Jeffrey generally. In some contexts, Jeffrey is acceptable: from parents, close friends, or out of humor. His own usage of Jeffrey is in a jocular manner. 
  • Bites nails not out of nervousness but rather out of habit (developed as a kid)


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