My Character Profile Pt. 2 (Subject to Change)

  • likes having a cluttered bedroom although insists on organization in other areas of life
  • fast typist. Used AIM a lot as a kid.
  • willing to take risks in the face of great uncertainty
  • oftentimes does not realize the consequence of certain actions, whether the consequence is positive or negative.
  • attracted to women and sometimes men who look like women.
  • has a huge range of women he is attracted to. Specifications: 18-40, any ethnicity, but recently Latina and African. Tastes fluctuate.
  • has only had one long-term relationship (~1 year) with a woman a few years younger than him. Usually has trouble getting dates due to fear of initiation, trouble with social cues, and whatever his current life situation happens to be at the time (this fluctuates)
  • is very good at making friends and acquaintances but struggles in getting a female companion. Amuses women by creating humorous situations, but he has no idea how to proceed from there. God only knows how he managed to have that relationship haha.
  • had other sexual encounters that occurred only due to his other more desirable traits. Failed to continue due to a combination of his persona and a lack of picking up on “hints” on what to do or how to further proceed.
  • music is an important part of his life. Taste in music: classic rock mostly. Favorite bands: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, NY Dolls, The Clash, Genesis (Peter Gabriel era), The Kinks. Reads about music thoroughly yet plays no instrument.
  • continues to maintain living at his parents’ house as a permanent residence despite often (and often not) having adequate resources to move out. Prefers cutting costs and likes his childhood home. Realizes it is a tad weird to still be at his parents’ place at his age (26). Has definitely considered moving out, but doesn’t foresee it in the immediate future.


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